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OCR: Apple Hard Disk 40SC System Requirenents See the Apple PEH Uisk for the Apple Disk i0Sc srstem requiremints Product Details ISOS expansion devices to in. Apple Ile or Apple SCST lexpansion lers ou connec oras nany as sixto as nany as three additiona] s(c] Macintosh Techuical: Snecification Canacity Data capacity megabyes fomated Data surfaces: 301 4 Heads/Surfacc: size: 512 hytes Total hkor:ks: 82,020 Blocks: Track 3 Characteristic Average seek tirme: 30 milliseconds Rotational speed: 3,600 or 3.662 rpm Scartup timc: secoruLs Sj>in1-1 [MO] tirne: xconL Interface Connects directiy Ik> the Connects to the . Applc Ie or Macintosh Plus. Macintosh SE Apple IIcrs via the expansion Macintsh SE/30, Macintosh II. DOIT, using the Applett SCSI Macino sh TIcx and Macintosh Fnterfao Carl E[A XJI the ex ...